LumiSoft Net Help
SIP_t_Directive..::..DirectiveType Enumeration
Proccess directives. Defined in rfc 3841 9.1.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++F#
public enum DirectiveType
Public Enumeration DirectiveType
public enum class DirectiveType
type DirectiveType
Proxy This directive indicates whether the caller would like each server to proxy request.
Redirect This directive indicates whether the caller would like each server to redirect request.
Cancel This directive indicates whether the caller would like each proxy server to send a CANCEL request to forked branches.
NoCancel This directive indicates whether the caller would NOT want each proxy server to send a CANCEL request to forked branches.
Fork This type of directive indicates whether a proxy should fork a request.
NoFork This type of directive indicates whether a proxy should proxy to only a single address. The server SHOULD proxy the request to the "best" address (generally the one with the highest q-value).
Recurse This directive indicates whether a proxy server receiving a 3xx response should send requests to the addresses listed in the response.
NoRecurse This directive indicates whether a proxy server receiving a 3xx response should forward the list of addresses upstream towards the caller.
Parallel This directive indicates whether the caller would like the proxy server to proxy the request to all known addresses at once.
Sequential This directive indicates whether the caller would like the proxy server to go through all known addresses sequentially, contacting the next address only after it has received a non-2xx or non-6xx final response for the previous one.
Queue This directive indicates whether if the called party is temporarily unreachable, caller wants to have its call queued.
NoQueue This directive indicates whether if the called party is temporarily unreachable, caller don't want its call to be queued.

Assembly: LumiSoft.Net (Module: LumiSoft.Net.dll) Version: 4.5.5510.19119