LumiSoft Net Help
SplitQuotedString Method (text, splitChar, unquote, count)
NamespacesLumiSoft.NetTextUtilsSplitQuotedString(String, Char, Boolean, Int32)
Splits string into string arrays. This split method won't split qouted strings, but only text outside of qouted string. For example: '"text1, text2",text3' will be 2 parts: "text1, text2" and text3.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual BasicVisual C++F#
public static string[] SplitQuotedString(
	string text,
	char splitChar,
	bool unquote,
	int count
Public Shared Function SplitQuotedString ( 
	text As String,
	splitChar As Char,
	unquote As Boolean,
	count As Integer
) As String()
static array<String^>^ SplitQuotedString(
	String^ text, 
	wchar_t splitChar, 
	bool unquote, 
	int count
static member SplitQuotedString : 
        text : string * 
        splitChar : char * 
        unquote : bool * 
        count : int -> string[] 
text (String)
Text to split.
splitChar (Char)
Char that splits text.
unquote (Boolean)
If true, splitted parst will be unqouted if they are qouted.
count (Int32)
Maximum number of substrings to return.
Return Value
Returns splitted string.
ArgumentNullExceptionIs raised when text is null reference.

Assembly: LumiSoft.Net (Module: LumiSoft.Net.dll) Version: 4.5.5510.19119